Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Working Title: Naughty Jumper

So recently some of my friends have been going through very trying times. And I feel for them so much. I think about how easily it could be my family going through the same things. And then I look for all the differences in their situations to reassure myself that it won't be happening to us. (Am I the only one that does that?) It always gets me thinking though...I should be more patient and loving with my family. Right? Right? Well apparently I'm an awful person because that lasts about 2 hours and I'm back to feeling aggravated and annoyed. Who are these people that actually learn lessons from other people's situations? My intentions are good. I know I would be devastated if something happened to my husband or my children, but someone needs to give them the memo too. "Can you stop being so annoying, so Mommy can appreciate you more?" Something like that. In fact, D's favorite thing to tell me lately is that I'm being naughty. Yes, that's right, I'm naughty. I tell him naughty things. Such as..."It's time to go to bed."..."Wipe your peepee off the toilet seat, please."..."No, you can't have candy for breakfast." (Just so you know, I use "..." when I have no idea what the punctuation should be. This, by no means, means I will actually use punctuation correctly when I do use it. Thank you, college.) Apparently I'm awful. But somehow I'm still his favorite. Much to my husband's disappointment. All because he's 3...that's my mantra lately...he's 3. I'm a logical person, I know he isn't, because he's 3, but gosh dangit if he can't make me envision jumping off a rooftop somewhere. 

I try to live in the moment, make memories, laugh at all the things that make me want to pull my hair out but it's just not as easy as they make it seem on TV  And I've watched enough of it to know.

Sidenote: Just watched them spray paint a Christmas tree on a dog on the news. WTF? 

See? I watch a lot of TV. Those kids on TV (not the ones spray painting the dog, those were adults) must have been given the memo...or a script! Aha! That's the problem. I need to give my kids a script. Problem solved. Carry on.