Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Twelve. Times 3.

Hey, what's up? So it's 12/12/12. My sister's getting married today. In Costa Rica. That's pretty awesome. I'm not there. Obviously. Nobody was invited, it wasn't just me. She does like me.

What? What is everyone staring at? What do you mean I haven't posted in a year?? You're crazy. Take your crazy pills, man. I've been a frequent poster. Very frequent, in fact. Like, twice a day. I think you need to get your computer checked out. Weirdo.

Anyway, as you all know, through my frequent posts, things are going great around here. D is such a FUN kid. Oh my goodness, he just loves to ask questions. So many questions. Like, all the freaking time. It's so FUN! For a 4-year-old, he really makes you think. I think about things I never thought I would think about. For instance, why does Batman have a cape if he doesn't fly? Or who picked red to mean stop and why? Or my personal fav, why is that tree shaped like poop? It's like I'm in college again and he's my thought-provoking professor...that I swear hates me. Clearly, he's just trying to teach ME something because HE knows everything. Just ask him. Did I mention how FUN it is?

K does not ask as many questions. In fact, he asks no questions. He doesn't talk. Unless you consider babbling talking. I call it communication, whining, grunting, but definitely not talking. I don't even get a "mama". Can't a girl get a little heart-melting "mama" once in awhile? I know it's a gateway word. A gateway to the FUN that is endless questions (see above), but it's just so darn cute the first few times.

D and K (too bad we don't live in NY. Get it? DKNY? Eh.) get along most of the time. Although D did just ask for an older brother so that he can be more rough with him. Oddly, the Professor couldn't understand why I couldn't produce an older brother for him. K, well he just thinks D is the bee's knees. He follows D around, cries when D is in trouble, laughs when D mows him down under the guise of playing football and just generally thinks he's the coolest. I'm really looking forward to the constant bickering once they are both verbal. Really, I am. If the Halloween incident is any indication, we are in for it. (You remember the Halloween incident. I wrote about it several weeks ago. Remember that post? Seriously, you guys are having memory problems. You may want to watch this.)

1 comment:

  1. Despite the wise cracks I know that you have finally learned that being a Mom is the hardest, most thankless, tiresome job that you will ever love. That for every "I can't do this anymore" there are 10 "I can't live without them moments". Hang in there, you're doing great!
