Friday, November 18, 2011

Pirate Party? I so got this.

Two posts? Whaaat?! I'm officially doing better than last time. I'm so awesome. I did have to bribe myself with lunch, like I don't get any until I write this. But that's normal, right? I should have bribed myself with something better, ah well, lesson learned. On to the post!

So we had a little party on Saturday...just about 35 people, including about 15 kids. Excessive for a 3-year-old you say? I say...yeah, you're probably right. It was a lot of pirate madness. You know how you plan for weeks, or months in some cases, and you feel like you know exactly how it's gonna go down? You have everything planned out so there's no downtime, no room for chaos. And then the party starts and suddenly it's like you threw it together that day. No one knows what's going on, the kids have their own ideas of what's going to happen at this party...and sadly, it's not what YOU had planned. "Excuse me, you don't like these awesome cardboard pirate hats I ordered?? How do you expect to be a pirate without a hat?!" And maybe you learn that the party you planned for a 3-year-old was better suited for 5-6 year olds. That was me in a nutshell. More lessons learned. But it really was fun and I've been told it was not quite as chaotic as it seemed to me. Really? Kinda unbelievable, but if you say so. Let me just add that there were unintentional soakings, near-fatal baseball bat swinging and some punch that I tasted after the party that was PURE sugar. No signs of chaos there. 

I still prefer the home party to the have-it-somewhere party. More work for me, but hopefully more memories for him. 

I leave you with a picture of the birthday boy. Not because no post is complete without a picture, but because I think he's adorable and I want you to look at him.

Oh and one more lesson learned. Don't rent a lens to take awesome pictures of the party when you're the one that has to run the party. Unless you have more than one head and two arms.


  1. LOL! Isn't that the way parties are supposed to go?! Mine do! Great post, loved reading it & hearing your sarcastic voice in my head as I read it! LOL

  2. It was a great party. And the planning showed - at least to the adults there. Hey, you can do it again in about 5 years for K.
